for you <3
tbh my thoughts are all abt u rn,all i can think abt is u baby ,thats the reason why i fall asleep easily while smiling knowing ill have a good future with u.i really cant lose you baby,i cant,without u my life is meaningless,without u i have no future i cant live without you,ur my most favorite person babe,i love you so so much.
i know i said i was gonna sleep but i want to write you a small paragraph cus you truly deserve it,u deserve more love.what did i do to deserve u babe?,how did i found such a precious angel like you.
how are u so sweet and perfect?,like even if im mean youll never say rude things,i just know we love eachother so much even if we fight and argue.ur smile makes my heart melt,and ur voice makes me feel safe.
knowing that youll be the person ill spend my whole life with makes me so happy,even during my most darkest time.I lowkey love how we fight because of a game LMAO,but i hope it wont go worse,cus i dont want u to be hurt,and i dont wanna be mean to u,i love u so freaking much babe,ur my everything,ur my sunshine,ur my beautiful moon,my fucking World,i do not know what to do without you my sweetheart,i love u,i love u,i love i wish you were here with me irl,i would have been more happier and safer,how i could have been cuddling with u to bed and kiss youre soft and gentle lips.
how i wish i could give u love and affection in person,i love u babe,i love u,ur so fucking loveable istg,ur so loveable,like im so lucky to have u,i cannot bare not being with u,ur the reason why im the happiest rn,ily ily i wish i could watch the sunrise with u,itll be so beautiful,like you,u have such a beautiful soul and face,i love uu💓❤️💗